So yeah, forex trading is great! Kinda, I guess. It really depends on your personal story. I’m Alexa, go ahead and crack a joke about me being available to tens of millions of Amazon users, and I am from sunny San Diego. A friend introduced me to forex trading while I was still in college, during my year in Italy. She was earning more money from forex trading than many I knew who were working a few jobs just to make it through college. Naturally, the idea of me trading from my dorm room between classes was very appealing. I mean, no more crappy jobs to pay the bills! Count me in, all the way.
What my friend missed to tell me, either by accident or on purpose, is that her ex-boyfriend was a super successful hedge fund guy who let her in on their prop trading operations for a piece of the profits and then some. So when I opened my first forex trading account, young and naive, I must have blown through my capital fast than Mr. Bolt himself. I was very frustrated as it seemed so easy watching her profit. I decided that I may have jumped the gun a bit and thought it would be better to educate myself just a bit more. Either that or find a super successful hedge fun guy and charm him out of the money making recipe.
Little Miss Independent that I am, I plunged into forex studies during my free time. I tried to juggle my marketing and business classes, two part-time jobs and now learning the basics about forex trading. Needless to say, I went bananas and with that state of mind nowhere at all. At some point I was so frustrated that I went with my head through the wall, sort of. I opened another account and blew through it just to prove to myself that I was nowhere near ready to trade forex with a profitable outcome. I could also not keep going at the pace I was going and quitting was not in my nature either.
During a somewhat boring weekend two of my girlfriends dragged me to a Herbalife event which we had to attend because it was one of the girl’s sister hosting it. I always find it hard to believe how many people attend those marketing events and actually buy those, hmm, let’s call them health products to be polite. As much as I hated to waste my late afternoon there, it was in the middle of my boredom that I remembered one thing about forex trading. Just about every forex broker I crossed paths with offers an affiliate program. I could not get out of the even fats enough and I even bought something just to be nice.
On my way home I determined that I approach earning money from the forex market from the wrong angle. I was obviously neither qualified nor ready to trade forex. Looking back I compare my quest to learn the profession of forex trading to someone who reads a few articles about brain surgery and then attempts it on a patient. I decided to leave forex trading to the professionals and that I would make money by introducing new traders to the broker of my choice. I don’t have to learn how to trade forex, I just need to be good at marketing. With social media and me being an attractive millennial, I had the weapons needed.
I screened dozens of forex brokers and the affiliate offers they had. I contacted the friend who first introduced me to forex trading and asked her if she could ask her ex-boyfriend what the three most important things were when he decides on a broker. This was strictly from a trader’s perspective. I figured if I attract clients I need a forex broker who offers them the right trading environment. I got the response rather fast. Tight spreads, fast trade execution a good mix of assets to trade. After two weekends of research I decided to open an affiliate account with PaxForex as they offered the right combination and I was confident in promoting them.
I am now in my fifth year as an affiliate and could not be happier with it. The start was a bit of a struggle to get things going. Earnings were slow at first, but as I referred more traders it started to add up. After roughly two years of active marketing, primarily on social media, I made enough in affiliate commissions per month to cover my rent. I even enlisted my girlfriends for some hot vlog promotions and one of the most important ingredients to my success remains a personalized service. I may not know how to trade profitable, but I learned enough to guide new traders to the right places. Getting to know your traders helps a lot. I can highly recommend affiliate marketing, especially if you don’t know how to earn money from trading forex. There are different ways to take full advantage of the forex market, you just have to find what works for you. I know run my own marketing firm together with two of my friends and affiliate commissions I earn through PaxForex account for over half my monthly income.
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