What is meant by Forex trading

What is meant by Forex trading

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Friday, 06 September 2019 0 comments
With the popularity growth of online trading, more and more people are considering trying their luck on Forex. It is overall, a very good idea with a few things to consider. First of all, what you need to understand about currency trading is that it is not gambling and has nothing to do with luck. The key to success on the exchange market is an ability to analyze and plan ahead. With that said, it is also pretty obvious that the skill of trading comes with practice and training. Meaning that virtually anybody with strong motivation to make Forex their source of income and the will for constant improvement can one day become a professional trader. As you make the decision to explore the specifics of the market, you will come across tons of educational materials that will take you through many of the aspects of currency trading, including various techniques and strategies. In this article we will briefly go over a few terms and their meanings to get you started and provide you with an idea of what is meant by Forex and how to properly begin your trading journey in order to guarantee your future success.

The very first thing you need to understand is how does the currency exchange market work. Forex itself stands for “foreign exchange”. It is a market where most of the goods that are being traded are currencies from all over the world. Surely, it must not come as a surprise to you that various currencies have different values, which are based on the political situation of the host countries, the global and local economy and general history of every specific currency. Moreover, these values are not constant and tend to fluctuate on a daily basis. Depending on those changes in values traders around the globe make series of transactions that will result in a purchase or a sale and ultimately bring profit. This is basically what is meant by Forex trading: a repetitive process of buying and selling currency in order to increase your income. It sounds simple, however, it is important to keep in mind that behind every trade there is a complex strategy that determined many factors such as amount being traded, the conditions of the trade and even its outcome. That's right, with proper planning you can calculate several possible outcomes of every transaction you make. This ability comes from both knowledge and experience. So, as mentioned earlier in order to become successful you first need to study as much as possible to get a full understanding of the process.

One of the first things you will do, prior to starting to trade, is find a reliable broker who will process your trades, as well as provide you with helpful insight of the market throughout your experience in the field of currency exchange. One of the many services the broker can provide is assisting you with leverage. The broker’s ability to increase the amount of your initial deposit is exactly what is meant by leverage in Forex. Leverage comes in especially handy for new traders who do not have much funds at the beginning. The crucial advice here is to take a practical approach and not to lean on leverage too much. It is always a good idea to work out your trading strategy beforehand to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed with the concept of leverage. 

The best solution for trying out various trading strategies and selecting the one that fits you is a demo account. A perfect copy of a real account, the demonstration version lets you perform pretend trades by still giving you access to live data from the market. Of course, this means that the profit you make on the virtual account will not be real, however, all the knowledge and experience you gain via using it is going to be not only extremely real but also incredibly helpful in the future. Unlike the real account, demo is a place for experimentation and mistakes, so do not feel discouraged if you experience a few setbacks.

One more thing to go over is what is meant by Forex card. These cards are usually issued by banks and used by their users to carry foreign currency while travelling. This will not concern your trading process as much, but it is a good example of Forex being a global market that is widely used for various purposes. For traders this means high liquidity and wide range of opportunities.