How to handle trading stress

How to handle trading stress

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Wednesday, 31 July 2019 0 comments

Being a trader is not always easy. Correction: it is never easy. Successful currency trading involves many hours of preparation, critical thinking and on-the-spot decision making. It comes as no surprise that this causes severe amount of stress. Every day the trading stress grows stronger and in a worse case scenario can result in a mental collapse.

This sounds scary and might make one reconsider trading altogether. However, there are ways to reduce trading stress and master so called low stress trading. 

Low stress trading

The key to stress free trading is confidence. But you might know by now, that gaining confidence is easier said than done. When it comes to money it can get really tricky to keep your cool and stay calm.
First step to mastering the stress free trading is realizing its importance. We have already established that stress leads to potential serious health problems. But what is the downside of trader stress outside of one’s health?
Very simple: it will most definitely affect the quality of trading. That is caused by the lack of focus and poor judgement of a racing mind. So when a trader decides to sacrifice own health in order to keep pushing, the results will get even worse.
As you can imagine, stressful trading is never a good idea. But what can you do to avoid the horrible consequences?

Every day trading stress

We all have our own ways to calm down. But even the most skilled meditation gurus can get off track when their income is at stake. 
Here are a few things you can do to start reducing daily trading stress:
  • Focus on the big picture. Rome was not built in a day. You don’t need to rush and push your limits in order to become a successful trader. Focus on your main goals and give yourself time to work on getting there
  • Breathing exercises. When you feel your heart pumping extra hard take a moment and concentrate on your breathing. Close your eyes and slowly inhale while counting to ten. Do the same on the exhale. Repeat as many times as necessary until you can feel the difference
  • Music therapy. Try playing soft instrumental music in the background as you trade. This will help to keep your heart rate at natural speed and subconsciously relax your mind. Make sure to choose the tracks that are not overstimulating
Try the above individually or combine them to your liking. After some time you will also most likely figure out your own ways to reduce stress while trading. Remember that the most important thing is your health. So do everything in your power to maintain it properly.