Citigroup | Fundamental analysis

Citigroup | Fundamental analysis

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Thursday, 12 March 2020 0 comments

Last year, Citigroup (C) showed steady revenue growth. But as the coronavirus hit the global economy, and as political tensions shook major international clients and key markets, investors may have concerns that they could increase profits from their stocks.

Citigroup shares are now at an altitude close to pre-crisis. But given that the business is concentrated more outside the U.S., unlike competitors among the major banks, the company can better predict global changes for its clients, the company said. But it also means that it is more vulnerable to friction abroad. And, as with other banks, its profits suffer when the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates.

Today we're going to consider whether it's worth buying Citigroup shares.

The best shares, according to IBD standards, can provide a stable increase in profits. Citigroup's profit last went down in 2016. Since then, the bank has been supporting positive revenue growth.

The company increased its profit by 25% in 2018. In 2019, profit growth slowed to 20%. Citigroup is expected to increase profits by 5% this year.
During the third quarter, Citigroup's results were mixed, with EPS forecasts exceeded and earnings below expectations. But the important profitability indicator - ROTE - reached 12.2%, exceeding the bank's target for this year at 12%. In the fourth quarter, the bank's results exceeded expectations.

Reorganization efforts may also affect future revenues and profit growth. In 2018, Citigroup restructured its U.S. retail banking business to work more closely with and accelerate its lending business. Citigroup is also reported to be combining its investment banking business with its Capital Markets division.