News Trading on Forex: Pros and Cons

News Trading on Forex: Pros and Cons

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Tuesday, 04 June 2019 0 comments

News trading has proved to be one of the most popular and dependable trading methods in the Forex market, regardless of competence. The Forex market is the most vulnerable investment platform, which is considerably impacted by news from around the world. Consequently, by learning to take advantage of Forex news, forex traders can avoid several costly trading mistakes and improve their profitability. In fact, the ability to foresee and analyze Forex news is what separates an experienced forex trader from a novice one.

Forex market is driven by high impact news events, and by understanding how to take advantage of these events, you can increase your profitability and avoid costly mistakes. Many novice traders come to a rude awakening realizing the importance of news events only after seeing a perfectly profitable trade turn into a loss in a matter of seconds, while experienced Forex traders anticipate the move and add to their daily profits in a consistent manner.

Foreign exchange markets are heavily impacted by economic, political and social developments. Most of this gets summed up by major news events. It can be noticed that whenever major news releases happen, the currency markets see a rise in volatility. Only when a country's economy is stable will its currency be of significant value in the markets. News traders focus on studying the country's economy to gauge their profit potential. With the Forex news trading approach, the above-mentioned three factors will always have to be watched out for. When you trade with the latest information on your fingertips, profit will be quick to come by.

Some traders want to have a more stable trading career and don't want any big ups and downs. News trading, however, is a high-risk high reward Forex trading strategy that puts you against markets of huge tides that could drown you, but could also fill your bucket with hundreds of fishes. On a daily basis, watching the news releases will give you information that can be employed to make the most out of each trade, giving you a clear competitive advantage. The real objective of news trading is to make money by riding on the impact of the event. Updates are further divided into short-term and long-term impact on currencies.

One of the disadvantages is the presence of seemingly real information that turns out to be fake-outs. These fake-outs have the tendency to create very short-term impacts hence the nickname given to it. The lack of knowledge and competence may prevent an investor from interpreting news and forecasting the next movement correctly. While trading currencies on the basis of Forex news is an excellent strategy, the important thing to bear in mind is that relevant forex news often arrives too late to be taken advantage of fully. Often, by the time high-impact news becomes available to general traders, it has been analyzed by several professional traders and financial institutions, which increases the vulnerability to personal and institutional biases.