Indicators That Impact the Forex Market

Indicators That Impact the Forex Market

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Tuesday, 25 February 2020 0 comments

Economic indicators are macroeconomic indicators that are published in the form of government or independent reports and reflect the state of the national economy. They are published at certain times and provide the market with information about whether the economy has improved or worsened. The impact of Forex leading indicators, for example, on the global currency market can be compared to the impact of corporate income reports on the securities market. Any deviation from the norm can provoke significant price and volume fluctuations.

Some reports, such as unemployment data, may be known to you due to their wide resonance. Others, such as the start of housing construction, are not as popular. However, each indicator serves a specific purpose and is useful in its way. 
There are also various economic indices, usually calculated by independent organizations and institutions, for example, indices of production activity, indices of business confidence, various indices of economic expectations, etc. Generally, economic indicators show changes in aggregate economic activity.