Common Bad Habits in Forex Trading

Common Bad Habits in Forex Trading

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Thursday, 09 February 2017 0 comments

In a high risk profession like forex trading, conquering bad habits is one of the best ways to ensure efficiency and success. With every activity of trading, it is crucial to exercise good habits instead of bad practices. This will lead to profitable trading sessions and the development of overall performance. Bad habits are the enemy of peak productivity. To sustain a profitable career in forex trading, practice productive routines and avoid bad habits.

Emotional trading is one of the biggest bad habits a trader can have. We would all love to have winning trades all the time but this simply is never going to be the case and dealing with the losing trades can throw up all kinds of doubts for a trader. Understanding that the markets have no interest in your feelings and don’t cause trades to fail out of spite, enables a trader to realize that trading is just about taking high probability trades that have a higher chance of working out. No trade can be seen as a certainty and every trade has the potential to fail.

Another common bad habit in forex trading is repeating same mistakes and not learning anything out of it. The only way to break this bad habit is to stop repeating your mistakes. In the business of forex trading, repetition of any previous errors is critical especially when risks are high. Impatience or stretching losses are some of the mistakes that traders instinctively turn to. These patterns can determine the success of your strategies as well as the development of your trading performance. 

All forex traders must have a properly outlined routine. In fact, some new traders make the common mistake of trading without a dependable method. Because of this, the bad habit of straying from your strategy can more likely result in possible losses and further inner conflict. To succeed in a dynamic market traders should prepare for changes and equip themselves with efficient strategies. Instead of straying from a calculated plan, stay confident in your system to reach your goals and prevent losses.

Habits are formed through the repetition of an action triggered by a certain emotion or urge. According to Psychology Today, all habits are linked to an instinctive action. These constant behaviors eventually form into a habit and dictates your level of productivity. Whether good or bad, it is common to develop a habit without being fully aware of them. Habits begin with a trigger, then followed by an action and ends with a reward or loss. By reviewing these three stages, you can begin to study and execute ways to turn bad trading habits into effective routines.