USD/CHF | US Dollar to Swiss Franc Trading Analysis

USD/CHF | US Dollar to Swiss Franc Trading Analysis

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Tuesday, 07 April 2020 0 comments

In Switzerland, 20201 cases of coronavirus infection were detected, and 540 people died. According to the representative of the Swiss Ministry of Health Daniel Koch, this is not the peak. Over the past 24 hours, 7 thousand tests for coronavirus have been made in Switzerland, and 975 people confirmed the infection. Most cases were detected in the canton of Ticino, bordering Italy, followed by Geneva. In Switzerland, more women than men were infected, but 64% of the deceased were men. Switzerland has a population of 8.5 million people. Of this number, 1.3 million have applied for a temporary unemployment benefit in connection with the crisis. 

USD/CHF, 30 min

Pivot: 0.9760