Results of Daily Trading Analysis for Half of June

Results of Daily Trading Analysis for Half of June

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Wednesday, 17 June 2020 0 comments


Today we want to inform you about the interim trading results according to our daily signals for the first half of the month June 2020. 

The first half of the month was quite profitable due to the formation of new trends in currencies and the gradual recovery of stock markets.

Now we provide a detailed report on income in financial markets:  

So, on the currency market, we have a profit of 758 points, which is 15.16% on top of the deposit. 

As for the stock market, where we had a profit of 437 points, which is 8.74% of the profit. 

Total profit on the two markets amounted to 1195 points, which is 23.9% of your deposit amount. 

Below, you will be able to see, what profit you could have with this and that deposit:

Deposit Profit
$1,000.00 $239.00
$5,000.00 $1,195.00
$50,000.00 $11,950.00

The first half of the month was progressive and profitable on the currency market, but the stock market did not go far. You can make good money in the economic recovery phase. Use our signals in your trading and keep abreast of current trends.

PaxForex team