About us

The PaxForex team welcomes you to our website.

PaxForex was founded by a team of professional traders with the help of investors. The owners of the company have extensive experience in Forex, stocks, options and CFDs markets as traders and dealers. We have gained our experience by working in managerial positions with the largest brokers, who are now our major competitors. Even though we are not a company of a big size, we are big enough to always meet our customers’ demand on time, and small enough to provide unique products and services in the industry.

As traders we know by experience exactly what our clients deserve. Providing services and trading at the financial markets is all we do. Our knowledge and experience has provided us with the opportunity to create for you the fairest, most flexible and most stable environment for trading.

If you're looking for a company where you get the same people on the phone year after year, you'll be happy with PaxForex. The PaxForex Customer Support Team is available 24-hours a day, 5 days a week via Live Chat, Skype, Email, Call Back Request and Telephone. Our Philosophy is creating a strong bond between company and customers, and that has helped us to keep high industry standards. That’s why many customers around the world decide to work with PaxForex and recommend us to other customers.

The best part of our business is meeting people like you that are pushing their trading strategy to a new level. People that aren’t afraid to explore new fields and new markets. People that are thinking ahead to maximize their profit and the security of their funds. People that are providing a service. And, more recently, people that have been made redundant, and are starting their own businesses.

Thank you for your interest in PaxForex and we look forward to working with you.


The PaxForex team.

Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.

Please email us at info@paxforex.org
